

Obituaries » Nancy L (Atwood) Follmer

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Nancy L (Atwood) Follmer

February 3, 1949 - December 31, 2016

Date of Service January 6, 2017

Funeral Home Scotchlas Funeral Home, Inc.

Obituary Viewed 8091 times

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Nancy L. Follmer, formerly of Marshalls Creek died in December 31, 2016 at CMC Hospital, Scranton. She was born on February 3, 1949 to the late Walter and Helen Atwood. Her siblings were, Walter & John Atwood, Patricia Vash, Janice Atwood, Linda Hnath. She will be missed by her friends and caregivers.A graveside service will be held on Friday, January 6th, at Rounds Cemetery, Union Dale, PA.  Arrangements by Joseph Scotchlas Funeral Home, Inc, Simpson, PA.

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